Kimberly Beck is the Chemistry and Integrated Physics and Chemistry teacher at Seymour High School in Seymour, TX. She first worked with the HMNS dig program in 2007 as part of the Museum's field program for educators, in which teachers work on a real dig site in order to bring that experience and enthusiasm - as well as real fossils - back into their classrooms.
But let's let her tell it:
"I have been learning alongside the Museum's team ever since my first dig last summer. Now, I dig on the Brazos River in Knox County every chance I get and have found everything from Permian arthropod tracks to Pleistocene mammoth tusk. I love working outdoors in the dirt and am fascinated with the natural history, anatomy and physiology, and investigative nature that comes with studying fossils. Every rock has a story to tell!"
Students from Beck's class will visit the team on site this week, and you'll hear all about their experiences digging fossils right here.
Beck earned a Biology Degree from Texas Woman’s University, with a traineeship with NASA at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Ms. Beck you are the coolest chemistry teacher and the luckiest dig member ever.
This is really interesting!!!! What is the most interesting thing you have found.-Angie
How old was it- Nikolas
In response to Angie -
Everything that's out there is fascinating to me, but if I had to choose a few favorites, I'd probably pick Xenacanthus (sharks) and I like looking for Lysorophus too. The rarest thing I've found is a few Seymouria vertebrae. That was pretty cool, for obvious reasons (Go Seymour!).
Hey Miss. Beck!!!! Your the best teacher ever!!! We love having you teach us about all the things that you are intrested in, because showing us something that you love to do makes us more intrested in the same thing.
<3 ~Bailey~ & ~Kaitlin~
Hey Miss Beck! Its so cool that you're a dig member! You're the best teacher ever and you make science fun and interesting! I look forward to your class everyday.
<3 ~Chelsea~
Hey Miss Beck!!
You Are A Great Teacher!!
IPC Is My Favorite Class!!
<3 Jessica
Miss Beck your the best!!!
Hey Miss Beck... u are the best teacher ever!! thanks for letting us do this great project. im learning so much. Thanks again
<3 taylor G
Always, it is very important to have a teacher in a group that could have indirect educational purposes.
Always, it is very important to have a teacher in a group that could have indirect educational purposes.
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