He loves to collect fossils, since "this is Texas - there aren't any minerals to be found here!" His favorite fossils are crinoids, incredibly complex creatures that are difficult to collect, "A real challenge."
He specializes in leading tours and docent training for geology-related exhibits at the Museum, including the Wiess Energy Hall and the current Lucy's Legacy exhibition. He's completed extensive field work, and leads geology field trips for the Houston Geological Society, the Houston Gem and Mineral Society as well as HMNS.
He received his bachelors degree in geology ftom Texas A&M and his Ph.D. in geochemistry from the University of Indiana. He worked in geochemistry for Shell Oil for 30 years, but says that "I have much more fun being a volunteer for the Museum."
What made you go to 2 different colleges so far from each other?
Hi Tarrington,
Sorry for the delay! Neal had a one-word answer:
But I guess that pretty much says it. Apparently, he got a Ph.D. level education for free. A good reason to study hard!
It is esencial to work with high qualified professionals in order to increase the possibilities of success in any project.
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