He is interested in being a part of the Museum's dig team "because I think that it would be a really cool experience. Also I want to get a degree in paleontology when I'm older."
He's most looking forward to what he can learn about paleontology from being in the field, as well as "getting to dig up the fossils and learn more about them."
After high school, Richardson plans to go to college in order to become a paleontologist.
He's most looking forward to what he can learn about paleontology from being in the field, as well as "getting to dig up the fossils and learn more about them."
After high school, Richardson plans to go to college in order to become a paleontologist.
Check back this week to hear from Richardson about his experience with the team, and what fossils he finds.
Tayler: Your awsome and did great!!!Im PROUD OF YOU!!!!
Jacob did you have fun digging up fossils? What did this experince teach you?
from your bestest friend
Jacey: You did such a great job and the fossils that you found are so amazing!!! We love You!!!
Kelce: You did a great job yesterday. Hope you had a lot of fun!!!!
Congrats on finding a new dig site!!!!
Jacob you rule!!!
Good job on the dig yesterday Jacob..Hope you had fun.
Jacob, Hope you had fun digging for fossils!!
Was it like totally awsome digging with Dr. Bakker, i would have loved to go, but you deserived it!!!
your bff's!!!
Kaitlin & ~BAILEY~
Good job jacob... almost killing yourself on a cactus lol
Hey Jacob,
We are so proud of you and for all of your accomplishments!!!
Jessica & Anthony
Have fun and enjoy this experience.
Jacob, just follow your dreams and have fun while your doing it, you can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it. We're so proud of you.
What a wonderful opportunity for you, Jacob! Ever since I have known you, this has been something you wanted to do "when I grow up." All the family is proud of you. Enjoy!
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